What is stewardship?

Video Transcript:

0:00 Hey everyone, thanks for joining. This is Phil with Foundation Wealth Planning and today I want to talk about a concept called stewardship.

0:12 It's a principle that you, can live your life by and I would argue that you should live your life by but what I want to get into today is, you know, what is stewardship and what are some different ways that we can, you know, try to follow that principle?

0:27 So, this is a little bit of a follow up from yesterday's video where I was getting into some basic investing concepts and the one I chose to start with yesterday was compound interest.

0:37 So, this one again is kind of a baseline and introductory to some biblical finance principles, we are going to start with stewardship. And there are a lot of branches that come off of that and how we live our lives this way. In short, stewardship is the idea that God owns it all. Now, I'm going to read a passage from the Bible, this comes from 1 Chronicles, it's chapter 29, verse 11 and 12, okay, it says, Yours

1:04 , O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours; your kingdom o lord and you are exalted as head above all.  Both riches and honor come from you and you rule over all. In your

1:21 hand are power and might and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. So again, there's a pretty core middle part of that that talks about how, you know, the heavens and the earth.

So again, there is a pretty core middle part of that talks about how the heavens and the earth,

1:35 It's all God's, right? So we come into this world with nothing. We leave with nothing. While we're here need to manage the money the best we can for God. This is different than any sort of communist principle where its the communities or the states. Private property is a Christian virtue, Saint Thomas Aquinas has talked about that and the church has uplead that. We certainly

2:01 have private property rights while we're here, but as we're managing that private property, how are we living and having God at the center of that?

2:10 Right? So. When we're talking about. How we live out that stewardship there's a few things that come to mind. There's a few principles that we're going to run through.

2:22 There's more. These are kind of the fundamental ones. One. Spend less than you earn, right? Spend less than you bring home an income.

2:33 that's step one. Two. Avoid the use of debt. Now this one's going to get some people a little bit upset.

2:42 Well, we'll talk more about this in future videos, but ultimately it's pretty clear that the Bible doesn't speak too highly of debt.

2:51 Number three, save money. And you know, that's certainly saving. In various accounts, you know, investing in certain accounts. Again, there's more we'll discuss in that in the future.

3:00 And last but absolutely not least, most importantly is give generously. Right? We'd be generous with, with what we've been blessed with.

3:08 . And there's so much we could talk about with that and we could talk about that more in the future. But this is, this is the baseline.

3:17 If you can follow these principles and you can be a good steward of your money that is helping you all.

3:23 You know, your values with your, with your money. Because where we spend, how we save, how much we give, that tells a lot about our priorities.

3:32 Right? And no one's perfect. And ultimately a lot of this. Probably just comes down to not living intentionally and not really paying attention.

3:39 So that could be a good word to wrap up our discussion today as intentionality. So be intentional with how you're handling the new money, and where you're spending your money.

3:49 And then I'll get you on a good path. So if you have questions on that or you want to have some help with that, please reach out.

3:54 I would love to help. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by today and God bless.

Phil Francois CFP®
Foundation Wealth Planning


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